Monday, February 13, 2006

Some sort of nexus...

So, this week, I'm out tutoring one of my kids at a coffee shop near where I live. I'm wearing a hat that says "Evil" in a pink, gothic font. The word is accented in rhinestones. It is a Disneyland hat. My student is writing a paper where he must compare the Epic of Gilgamesh to Bruce Campell vs. Army of Darkness by way of the monomyth structure. As he says the word, Army of Darkness, this guy walks up and says, "What are you guys doing?" I say, "We're writing an essay." "For what?" he asks. "For English," my pupil responds. He says, "Oh. Do you know what these are?" He points to his arms, where he seems to have been cutting himself with a sharp implement in some sort of pattern. I say, "No." He says, "This is the left hand of Moses, and this is the right hand of Aaron." I say, "Oh. Really?" His hebrew sucks, then. He says, "Yeah, they're forbidden." "Forbidden by whom?" I ask. Really. I talk that way to strangers that make me nervous. "By god," he says. Blank looks from both of us. He says, "Okay. Nevermind, just you were wearing that 'Evil' hat." "Oh, right," I say. "It's supposed to be ironic. I bought it at Disneyland." "Oh," he says, lighting a cigarette. "Nevermind." Then he leaves.

True story.


JC! said...

Man, you missed out on some very sad mansex.

Anonymous said...

I now know a little about a failed screenplay, and I think I just received negative information about the monomyth structure. Thanks for making me stupider.
