Friday, February 17, 2006

Buena Vista

I was driving to work this evening, and I looked up to see actual clouds. Astounded at this sight, I realized that my leg has been hurting for like two days. I concluded that it would finally finally finally rain. As I was, by will alone, thus setting my mind in motion, I realized that I was running a red light. I made it to the other side of the intersection in one piece, only to realize that there were two cops pulling up alongside of me. The first cop pulls up even with my windows, looks over, and shakes his head at me before turning on his lights and peeling away to the right. His friend follows him. They were Irvine cops, so I can only assume someone saw a homeless person on a golf-course. I have no doubt that my crime was among the city's most heinous for the week.


Jessie ᏤᏏ said...

Apparently my laughing at things I read on your blog leads Dad to believe your posts are about him.
Then they're not.

I'm glad you lived through your episode of weather shock.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the cop was disappointed that you weren't black.

...and maybe I'm going to leave this one anonymous.