Friday, March 23, 2007


The moon is high in the sky, watching me watching them.

Right now, across the parking lot, in a dimly lit window on the second floor of a Palo Verde apartment building, I can see the perfect silhouettes of two young people deliberately, devotedly, with slow and subtly changing rhythms, playing Wii Sports. It fills me with a kind of trembling--an obscure fear before the beauty of human endeavor. A coyote is barking. At a pause in the action, one of the figures slips away, only to return seconds later with a bottle of beer.

Spring has finally come.


Anonymous said...

I really don't feel this sort of thing is appropriate. Children can read this blog, and they do, because it's part of my syllabus for the course "Wii Are The World: Nunchuks and the Promise of Universalism."

Jessie ᏤᏏ said...

Aha. And here I am measuring spring by when things get green again and the frogs inhabit the pond again.

Anonymous said...

Clearly they were practicing before the Zombie Safety Squad open auditions. Speaking of which, I'd like to humbly submit my application... I bring extensive knowledge of zombie anatomy and reflext time, two pointy umbrellas and a machete. Also my roommates told me there are samurai swords somewhere in the house. I would be perfectly willing to gank them if that would assure my membership in the ZSS Elite Strike Force.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to add that even if I can't always spell reflex, I'm still a walking textbook on Zombie Reaction Time (ZRT).

SEK said...

I'm just glad Meg and I live in Verano. No one there to spy us doing our Wii victory dances.

sadkingjonathan said...

That *You* know of.